Holiday Closing - Washington's Birthday (Presidents Day) 

Our offices will be closed Monday, February 17, for the federal holiday, Washington's Birthday (Presidents Day). We use this for a company-wide in-service and training day. You may see employees entering or exiting your local office for this purpose. 

We have a fresh new look and feel! 

On February 5, our redesigned website launched. Although you will see a new look, it is still the same trusted site and service that National Exchange Bank & Trust offers.

Thank You

You Have Opted-In to ATM and CheckCard Overdraft Protection

Thank you for submitting the Overdraft Protection (ODP) Opt-In form for ATM and CheckCard transactions. You will receive a confirmation letter in the mail within 10 business days. If you do not receive a letter within this timeframe, please contact your local office. ODP service may not be available for your CheckCard transactions until you have received confirmation.

You may revoke your election to opt-in to payment of ATM and everyday CheckCard transactions at any time by calling 877-578-1670, stopping by your branch office, or mailing your request to National Exchange Bank & Trust, PO Box 988, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0988. It may take up to 5 days after receipt of your request to process your request and revoke your authorization.

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